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How to download?

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Hello, PantieSniffer1996! Let me know if this helps: Itchio Downloads.

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For all those who have not been able to install or reinstall the game, please let us know here. Thanks!

The Discord invitation link is not working,Will there be new zombies and new scenes in the future?

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Oilumbrella, thanks for letting me know! Here's a new invite: Discord Invite.
There are new endings that could not be added this time. Will be a lot of things added in the next update.


My pleasure!

No compatible files found.

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What?! :O
Hi, HDfan! How long ago? 

Yesterday through the app. I downloaded the file through the site instead in the end.

Perhaps, the app was down...?

It wasn't it seems. I have tried again just now but with the same result. Very strange.

When is Esther Endings coming out?

Hey, AhmetKazumaKiryu! Those endings' are coming up by the end of Feb. As we've stated b4, Mayorto's machine crashed and that delayed everything. Thanks for asking! ;)

Thanks for replying.

Anytime! :)

I uninstalled the game because it wasn't showing the update but now it wont let me reinstall it

It says "no compatible download found"

Take a look at this forum: Itchio's Issues.

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Are you MacOS, Linux or PC?



i just saw the new girl update but when i redownload the game its the same as before the update why

Hi, manofculture7! Please try: Itchio's common issues.

MacOS, Linux, or Win?

LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line 198

Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost (Error: 0x887A0020 - 'INTERNAL_ERROR') 

An error occurred Please solve it

Hi haward! I'm looking into it. Thanks!

Google says: "which is usually triggered by a problem with your graphics card or drivers, potentially caused by overheating, incompatible settings, or outdated drivers. "
haward, do you agree?

Please check out: Downlading Issues.

The person named "NelsonLima" has a good input about the topic here: D3D issue.

MacOS, Linux, or Windows?

Thanks nidio

(10 edits)

To really support our rockstar animator Mayorto and for his NSFW content, go to his page: SUBSCRIBESTAR.MAYORTO. If you can, show him some love, since his old computer crashed. 
Do not waste the opportunity to hang out with this amazing artist! :)

When new girl gets taken by the horse of zombies will she have her own animation in the upcoming updates or will it just be the blonde girl who gets taken? I’m sorry if this comes off annoying on this asking I apologize if I’m coming off rude I am sorry. 

Hey Gatorade_man! Not a bother at all! Yes, we were planning to release the endings, but unfortunately, the computer with the assets had some major issues. We're getting a new computer. We'll upload the animation as soon as we can.

i bought the game and when you add new characters will i have to buy it again or how would i get access to the new characters?

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Hello, thegambler3956! You just have to download the file again. It's FREE!

My game crashes after the character selection screen. I've redownloaded twice with no success. What should I do?

Hey, Sader51! Thanks for your support!
Please try the following:
1.  Restart your machine.
2. Check browser settings.
3. Security software that might interfere.
4. Go here for some guidance: Itchio's Downloading Issues.
5. Do you have Steam open when downloading or running it? Shut it down and restart everything.

Did it work, Sader51?

no still no luck  : /

Sader51? Win, MacOS, or Linux?


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Dunno if I had ever posted our promo-videos on BitChute... Anyways... Here's "The Bad Ending with Melody" with sound! BitChute Promo-Video. :)

Just finished the game with melody. The art and animations are very nice and fluid. Gameplay is a bit lacking. I would really like to see a back step/ back flip being added. Right now some attacks wil drop you right on top of your downed enemy with no further attack options. Once they get up they wil then immediately grab you. 

Another bug is that when you are crouching and then do an attack you need to get up before you can roll on. This was especially annoying once the ceiling enemy types popped up because twice I was rolling under them, but had to engage a dog. After killing the dog I had no choice but to get up and get grabbed by the ceiling tentacles :( 

Otherwise it was a fun experience

Hello, it's a pleasure to have you here, EventSpawn. Thanks for your detailed feedback! I'll share it with the guys. :)

J'aime beaucoup ce jeux  mais je pense qu'il devrait ajouté plus de bande sond pour chaque interactions et scène avec les zombie

Bonjour, lanonyme97180. Merci pour votre soutien et vos commentaires ! Nous informerons le créateur et les développeurs. ;)

why cant i download this game the when i try it takes me to microsoft edge or if i try on the itch application it cant even find a file to dowload?

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Hi, sandman1427, thanks for your support! It's not the game's, neither Itchio's fault (necessarily). It is your machine settings.
Things you have to make sure you do b4 downloading again:
1.  Restart your machine.
2. Check browser settings.
3. Security software that might interfere.
4. Go here for some guidance: Itchio's Downloading Issues.
5. Do you have Steam open when downloading or running it? Shut it down and restart everything.

I'm willing to help you, sandman1427. :)

MacOS, Linux, or Win?

I have windows, i have downloaded other games on itch before and havent had a problem so I have no clue what I need to do to get the games to download

I have windows, and idk what i need to do to download the game, I havent had problems with other games on here before

so I looked it up and I dont see a picture of the platform that I can install the game on thats why when I try to install it on itch it says there are no files to install

Idk if you have seen my fallow up comments but i still am having a problem downloading the games

could you add a changelog ?

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Hi, JohnGroakk! Great idea and some other people wanted it too. Thanks! :)

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The art is great, but the gameplay is godawful. Where do I begin?

There's no post-grab invincibility and no way to escape being grab looped by multiple enemies in a row.

The movement is extremely clunky and slow. Everything has a ridiculous amount of startup attached to it, even something simple like crouching takes forever. It has the Shaq-Fu problem where the movement and attack speed takes after something like the original Prince of Persia games, but the style of gameplay isn't suited for it at all. Doing a forward jumping attack feels terrible because the attack immediately cancels all your forward movement from the jump. Plus you can't adjust your spacing by moving backwards, because there's no backwards movement at all!

Thanks, tablepage, for your support! I'll let developers know. 

I downloaded the new update but i cant play it. it opens goes to the main page but when i click play or gallery it doesn't load and crashes. on top of that i cant download the previous version so i cant play. please help.

Hi, Sweaty_Biology2! Sorry to hear that. When that happens, you have to download it again. 

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But if after the 2nd time, it persists, then we'll have to do a more advanced solution.

Ive already done it 3 times im not verry tech savy so I'll need some help with the advanced options.

I hear you, Sweaty_Biology2... Google says: "1.Close any unnecessary programs running in the background that could be consuming system resources. 
2. Most game launchers have a "Verify Game Files" option that can scan and repair any corrupted or missing game files. "

Please let me know. We'll get this to work. ;) :)

Thank you i will try this later tonight and let ypu know the resaualt.


why cant I get either of the new endings?

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'Cuz Mayorto's computer crashed and we had to order a new one. :( :O
They will be on the next update. Thanks for asking and for your support, necrosaurus! 

i love your work .thx for this amazing game

Hey, senpai12445, thanks for your kind words! We work really hard to make this game possible. When we hear appreciative comments like that, it's really worth it. :) ;) :)

you welcome

;) :) :)

the new update is very cool! keep it up

We appreciate your coolness and love! And we keep it up for people like you, Lunti_mr! :)

not a big deal but the Launcher doesn't see a file to download, good work on the game tho

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Hey Kearvahn, thanks for the love! :)
And, we'll let Itchio's support know about that issue. 

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ALL OUR UPDATES ARE FREE! If, by some mistake, Itchio's system is charging you for it, please let us know here. Or email to: 
Thank you!

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It's a little problem.,After clearing the customs, the animation is still the teacher's defeat.

Hi mishuascll! We'll let creators know. Thanks!

asking for a friend do you have to purchase the game again to get the update.


No you don't have to.

could you tell me how to get the update then so i can relay the details to my friend

If your friend already bought it, just go to where it says you own this game and download. The update just replaced the old download with the new one.

Okay thanks,  I'll let them know

RareZoanic, you don't have to pay again. Updates are free! Thanks, RCreader!

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Okay their are some bugs mostly at the end I got everyone and esther was also at the end of the van scene also I got the ending of the first play-through character.

Also same ending for losing and some clipping issue with legs when zombies are knock down and for some reason the dogs once hit will not move from their spot.

Oki, blumonk, we'll let devs know. Thanks!

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Well, I guess the scenes aren't ready yet. Due to the fact that one of the developers' computer crashed, he will need time to get information from the computer and finish drawing the scenes.

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True! ;) Nothing will make me happier than seeing that new station here... Heheh!

Hi,is game sold enough for us to get third character yet?

Give it a little time... ;)


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Hi Blackprior, may I ask, what do you mean "nevermind"?  :)

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The UPDATES have been uploaded! We apologize because once again we were not able to use butler (maybe next time.). We so appreciate your patience, thank you! :)
Here's our Esther!!! :) :) :)

Tik/Tok Tik/Tok! :)

i cannot beat the last level at all i keep dying to zombie dogs due to them taking to much time to kill or they hit me because i had roll or jump over a vent or mutiple zombie are spawned and i get hit during recovery frames. ANY HELP WOULD BE NICE.

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i think if the low attacks can come out faster and maybe have the ability to jump over low enemys would be nice and if you can its really really hard to. cause i could be in the highest point of the jump and still get hit, its just the dogs for me they are just fast and on the last level once you get hit by one the run is pretty much dead. OH  and plz add a restart button so i can click it instead of having to wait thru animations and cutscenes( even tho they are pretty good)

Hey Boyboy, thanks for the feedback! We'll let the team know. :)

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We value interacting with our audience. Someone just got suspended by Itchio. :O :( :(  
***Guys, please be careful with the links you share on this board.  Make sure to follow Itchio's guidelines, thanks!

Our team is working on updates and hopefully the game will be ready soon.

Go_player, we all hope you can get your account back! We miss your inputs and collaborations. Hang in there, buddy! :(

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The game might be ready tomorrow!

Eh, this word can.

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We're close, very very close, LuCiFer342! ;)


Hello! There has been a bit of a problem with our animator's old PC. The new machine's on its way. Keep your fingers crossed, my friends! It's been a very busy day for a Sunday, tbh... heheh! Tomorrow, I'm bringing you more good news. Thank you and Gnite!


The release date is still the 29th, right? Or can it be postponed?

Hey LuCiFer342! They told me the game could be ready by tomorrow. 


Hi! Everything going smooth with the updates.—Gnite everyone! ;)

I'm back to leave my humble opinion that the animations in this game are steller

The only thing's I'd wanna add would be male playable characters lmao
Still not nearly enough of those, and practically none with this level of animation quality


Hey FYEO_Amoru! Yes, Mayorto's a freaking awesome animator.
As for male protagonists, we'll have to wait for what the creators think of that. Thanks! :)

Show post...

He wants gay route or female zombies and female tentacle zombie that gets fucked and fucks male?


She, not he
But yeah lol, that's the basic gist

Show post...

You're female? I thought females liked woman character more. 

Hello, FYEO_Amory ad Go_player, the conversation's turning more and more interesting... :)

Go_player, I hope you can get your account back! We miss your inputs and collaborations. Hang in there, buddy! :(

Show post...

Plot is female character fucked by male zombies. You want gay route?

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Plot is teachers and students, never explicitly says females only. Also there are female zombies already lol

Deleted 31 days ago
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Oh no!!! I think they've suspended Go_player's acct??! :O This is sad! We treasure interacting with our audience in a fun way. :( 
***Guys, please be careful with the links you suggest.  Make sure to follow Itchio's guidelines, thanks!


And two hours later, I'm back! ;)
Our ETA for this coming week is 01/29/25. We apologize for the delay again! There was some sudden work that Mario had to do for a very loyal client. This prevented him from finishing Esther's animations on time for the devs. 
We appreciate all of you staying tuned! :) :) :)

As long as you put effort into the game and try to make it good, I think it's normal to postpone it for the game to be better.

Thank you for your efforts.

I second this notion. Having some communication on dates helps set expectation and also delays regarding animation quality are perfectly understandable.

Absolutely, Drywood1991, thanks! :) 

Yes, AhmetKazumaKiryu! I'm glad you understand. :)

I'd like to leave some feedback:

First off, the animations are great and nice, reminds me of the old flash animation days.

The enemy variety is kinda good? But two of them I feel are kind of redundant as the tentacle zombie and the dog fill the role of fast, low profile enemy type that can only be hit low. That said, the standing ones can be said to be redundant but it didn't feel like that.

Another thing, I feel her low attack should come out a tad bit faster and stay active a bit longer, while retaining the slow recovery.  Reasons later on the comment.

Dash attack should also come out faster and have more active frames, or at least, be able to hit the tentacle zombies. Dash attack seems way too much of a commitment at the moment and becomes really hard to use in the later levels.

Jump attack I feel is also inconsistent, I think it should be affixed to the same hit box as the standing attack regardless of height and extend it up as it goes higher, might be a stupid change but I think this will help hit enemeis more consistently. Speaking of jumping, jumping I think is also inconsistent and has little use as the levels go on because of how the enemy spawn rates go, you try to jump over a low profile enemy but then get caught by the next enemy over. Also, if you do try to jump over a low profile enemy, they still catch you, regardless of how high you are from my experience. I think you should have more air time from the jump.

As for zombie spawn rates, it is atrocious at times, especially at the last level where a whole group of them spawn over a trap door or vent, they also spawn a snake at mid height, a dog and a tentacle zombie at the same time. You can't hit the snake as the recovery from normal attack will leave you open to the other two, you can't hit low as it'll get stuffed by the snake.  From my experience, this happened more frequently than I'd like.

And my personal hate bias, the dog. I hate that stupid dog, you try to jump over it and still catches you at the apex of your jump. You recover from it's attack and it is sometimes able to recover faster and grab you again before you can get a low attack out. Not to mention, the dog takes a whole 3 escapes from the grab to die, combined with the other issues, the dog is an actual wall to get through. I think it should die from just 2 escapes and get knocked a bit farther back from escapes or let it have more recovery so that it doesn't immediately catch you in a loop. This is my primary reason to have low attack come out faster.

I know that when you escape from an attack, you knock back all the zombies that's near you. But sometimes when a zombie is just out of your reach when you escape an attack doesn't get knocked back, you're immediately vulnerable. I think, either the zombies that were knocked back should also hit the enemies behind them and do a attack stun with no damage, that way, you can still recover and act in time. Or give the player invincibility frames on recovery.

I hate to say it and I know this is still being worked on, but the current version is pretty hard to get by. So maybe something like this could help; Make the levels longer by like 20-50%, but make the enemy spawn rate more sporadic. The horde at the back can move a bit slower because of this.  Another game that is like this genre is Max the Elf and it is really good even without the ero scenes.

I think that's all that I had a gripe with, but I can see this as an awesome game in the future, I hope you find success with this game irregardless of what some people might say.

Maybe in the future, there can be boss enemies at the end of a level like that football zombie in the ending, I don't know.

Hi Hakuya14! I'll make sure the creator and devs see this msg. Thanks for the feedback!

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