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bro me recorri 120 paginas y no encontre el codigo para el sex ed  xD

Hi, jorge.aqu.! Could you expand a bit pls?

Qué pasó, jorge.aqu.?


The guys are working so hard on Esther! :)

The artistic style of this game is very attractive! Looking forward to future updates. Will there be characters wearing pantyhose in the future?

Hey, EMPorAST, the nurse wears pantyhose. Thanks for your kind words! :) 

Thank you for your reply!  I don't know if it's a deviation in word meaning, I thought the nurse 'Johanna' in the picture was wearing long stockings. My impression of pantyhose is waist high.
Forgive me, I am not familiar with the differences in word details

Oh, I see! Yes, u're absolutely right, EMPorAST! :O :D :D In that case, I've gotta ask the team... Heheheh!

So how is it going? Although I know that the six characters in the picture will take developers a long time to complete, I still have a glimmer of expectation about pantyhose

Hey, EMPorAST! It's coming alright, our next character, a bit delayed though. Hru?
I think pantyhose theme will be a subject for the conversation in our next meeting.

(4 edits) (+3)

To The Coolest Community on Earth, Adult Escape From Zombie U: Wishing every single one of you a Happy New Year 2025!!! :)

With LOVE,
Our Team.

The game is great Sorry to bother

hi I have only4 questions
1.) You happen to have a link to the discord?
2.)How to send a message to the developer? To convey an idea

3.)How to increase HP ?

4.)All my good ideas I put my reply in a document, which you can download and view through the following link:


Hey Oli1989! We appreciate your feedback. In a few I'll send you the discord invite. ;)

(1 edit)

Oli1989, Discord Invite. :) Did it work?


Great! ;)


Here some of the things i think you can improve in the game:

  1. reduce hurtbox for the running attack or reduce the start up at least.
  2. increase enemy recovery duration, especially the dog, who recovers FASTER than you after escaping.
  3. collision boxes need adjusting especially enemies during struggle animations. let them pass while you're getting screwed, literally.
  4. some low enemies need to have their high hitboxes REMOVED outright. jumping over them makes the most sense.
  5. reset animation timer after being ganged up in an animation, (game resets your struggle bar while not resetting animation timer. ie. how close your character is to losing the struggle.)

I might have more to add in the future as i knock my head at the wall in this game.

Hey TheEffOh, thanks for your feedback and support! We'll share the message with our creators and devs. :)

(2 edits)

TheEffOf, Mayorto agrees with everything you've said, except for the last one (#5).

All great suggestions, a lot of people have voiced these same concerns.

But also:
Make dog less derpy
Remove ceiling "Vent" enemies from outdoor zones.

Will see what has been done in the next update, Bloodiedsparten!

1. Agreed

2. Yes

3. This would be helpful for players like me who want to play strategically and win the game in a unorthodox manner 

4. Again would make the game more tactual and reward players for thinking with both heads xD

5. This one seems like a deliberate decision from the devs, it seemed pretty obvious to me after it happened the first time. otherwise you could cheese the game and get rid of zombies much easier. It makes the gang animations a double edged sword.

Very good points, smiledemon! Will make them read these #5 suggestion again and see if they changed their mind... Thanks!


Android version?

Hi papaléguas, that's our future goal. Thanks for asking! :)

Does this game have saves? I was planning on playing it later and I'm just curious.

Hey SortOfRetarded, no it doesn't but we're working on fixing it for our next update.

Alright, thank you for responding :)



What are your plans when this game is complete?

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, timothystone049, do you mean plans for the game itself or for other games? :)

Other games. Also will you be adding new scenes for the existing character as well?


For other games, the sky is the limit! Mayorto has so many ideas and stories and characters that is insane. For the game, we learn as we go, and follow most of what you fans ask us to implement (if we agree with it).
New scenes for Melody? Let me ask the team, oki?

okie dokie

And, timothystone049, you've got to remember that we only have ONE STAR animator. Heheeh! I mean, a good animation takes some time...


We've reached more than 70 countries already. Thank you all for believing in this project!

Is there a christmas update or just a santa hat on the picture for the sale xD ?

(3 edits)

StevenPlatinum, the next update's scheduled for Jan. We'll announce it when it happens. Thank you!

Perfect! Thanks for your hard work!


are all the characters unlockable yet

Hi esdeath7100, only Melody for now. Currently, our team's working on Esther.


thanks for responding love the game at the moment just waiting for more characters do you have any ideas too add a gallery so that you are able to see all the animations? please and thanks

Hey, esdeath7100, my pleasure! I'll mention your suggestions to our team. :)

Deleted 44 days ago
(6 edits)

Merry Christmas! (ONLY One day) 25% OFF Sale: Starts at 01:15pm!

next update when gang?

Hey, Thathrax! We're working on it but we don't have a date yet. Perhaps, tomorrow they'll tell me something.

The holidays delayed us a bit but we're shooting for Jan 15th, Thathrax. 

It's christmas. 50% discount please

How about a 25% off, Siwkann? ;)

(1 edit)

25% off starts at 011:15pm.

I had 60 bucks to burn on adult games and drm free stuff. Had to cut your game from the list. Would have been different with 50% disccount. I will probably buy your game next year.

Siwkann, sorry you had to choose that way and leave us behind. Some things to think of here:

1. We don't believe in giving away our game. We find it disrespectful to those who have supported us and even given us more than our full price.
2. When we had the game 50% off on Halloween, very few people bought it. Some people don't trust extremely low price games. 
3. For next year, the game won't be half-price because it'll be more complete.

I didn't know your game in halloween. I started buying drm free games 3 weeks ago. I wish I was there.

Getting the game to run is fine enough, but I'm having an issue with the games size upon launch, it opens up to a scale far bigger than the monitor, and I can't seem to navigate to the settings (if there are any) to change screen size inside the game. Changing the resolution of my screen outside of the game before launching it doesn't seem to adjust its size.

Anyone else having this issue? is there anything i can do before launching it to change its size/resolution? Thank you.

Does this help, Drywood1991: Screen Issues? Please let me know, thanks.


Thank you for the Link! I got in touch with my friend who does IT and the situation was far simpler than I'd like to admit haha

It's all good now! The games great so far, looking forward to more things being added and zombie pairings being polished up some more. Very promising stuff!

Don't worry about it, Drywood1991! Nobody's here to judge you, my friend. We're all here to learn . :) Glad you've become part of our community. We keep improving for folks like you. 

This doesn't work on Mac, it extracts wrong on Mac. When extracting the .rar file on Mac, it displays the following 4 items in a folder: "Engine", "Manifest", "My project", and "Myproject.exe". None of these work and I can't play the game. I followed your steps in the comments and it still won't work.

Hi unknownnoah, did I share this link already? Open rar files on mac.

I've tried 3 different .rar readers and none of them work, when extracting it makes another folder, and the game "my project.exe" doesn't work, it says it's incomplete. 

(1 edit)

Hey unknownnoah, when that happens, you need to sign out of everything and unplug. Try it and let me know!

What do you mean unplug?

Just that, to sign off everything and unplug your computer for a minute.

I mean, not even other platforms should be on when these issues occur so often. Logg off Steam, too.


Will it launch the Android version?


Yokitoki, as an indie group of artists, it's our goal to make the android version, too. But it'll take some time. Thanks for asking!

Very good game. Needs work but every game does. Can't wait for the future updates. Keep up the great work!

(1 edit)

Thanks for your support and welcome to our community, timothystone049! Our team's currently working in our next update. We'll make sure to include the issues you're addressing.. :)


Have you played your own game? It is impossible to escape from dog if it get you once. The time in the programming is wrong. also traps are completely broken. You can not expect me to jump or roll over a trap and hit the zombie right before it.  Fix the game or put out a cheat code to unlock gallery.

Hey, leozhou1943, thanks for your support and feedback! I'm passing out your message to our programmers.

Knock down enemies, walk up to them, roll through them.

There you go 80% of the game has been made into ez mode.

hey i bought the game two time so can i get a refund for one of them

Hey jkzox, thanks for your support! Please email issue to

I got the game a few weeks ago and tbh it's a really good game! The transitions between the animations are pretty smooth and the animations are amazing! (Hate the dogs btw XD). I'm also following the subscribstar as well and I see Esther is also coming up (Hoooray!). So sorry for my impatience but I really wonder is it possible if we can know when the next update with the new character is coming up? Like a specific or a range of date cause I'm really looking forward into it :)

Thanks for reaching out, SushiSang! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the game. We're almost done with the animations for Esther—only two more zombies to go. The developers are already working on the new update. I'm sorry it has taken us so long. We hope to have all the assets ready by the end of December. Hopefully, the devs won't take more than 2 weeks to prepare everything. I'm aiming for December 30th, but It could be as late as Jan 15th, depending on the programmers. We'll keep you posted. 

One more person who hates the dogs! :)

hi Nidio I have launch problems with this game when I launch a game the game closes immediately and shows me an error message due to D3D

(1 edit) (-1)

Hi Derwinn21! Does this page discussion help? D3D Issues.

(6 edits)

Hi! Here I'm watching some of Mayorto's old portfolio pieces. We can see his growth. He has become such an exceptional animator. :) Check it  out Mayorto's Past Reel! 

hey man im trying to buy the game but it gives me an error with the CAPTCHA for some reason :/

its a good game from the looks of it and after reading the comments, i'm confident it won't be a purchase i'll regret

tho ive been wondering, whats different between this one and the one that figures on Steam ?

(18 edits)

Hi StevenPlatinum, thanks for the love, man! Our game Adult Escape From Zombie U is not the same as Escape From Zombie U:Reloaded on Steam platform. The one on Steam is vanilla compared to this NSFW version. 
***This concept game was born as a "giveaway" for their Kickstarter campaign. ADULT Escape From Zombie U gained popularity and it just became its own thing. :)

**You won't regret buying our version because all the updates are FREE! We have 6 more female characters to introduce to you and all the fans (You only pay once for all that!). It's the promise of building up to be the best game we can as we go... And, to top it all up, we've got the best community! :)

(1 edit)

Yes I know, I managed to buy it yesterday and completed it, ngl it was pretty fun but man does that zombie dog irritate me xDD i wish it had other modes but for now it was worth the 10 bucks and then some. I'll be looking forward to future updates ^-^

so I see, this one is superior to Steam's if we're talking about actual hentai content ; still for both of them as ur first game im pretty impressed !

StevenPlatinum, you're not the first one to complaint abut the dog, hahahah! :D I'm glad you're enjoyed the game though.

The one on Steam's is no hentai. They're both very different. These are not Mayorto's first games. He's been involved in many. And, the Original Escape From Zombie U was our first try more than 10 yrs ago. U_U We just gave up on it back then... We were on Apple store an all. 

And please let me know if this helps: CAPTCHA . :)

No but actually my issue was with my adblocker xD so silly

went on google chrome and it worked

(1 edit)

Oki, hehehe! :) Thanks for sharing!

(3 edits) (-1)

Hello! We're sharing some of what our fans are saying. Thank you so much for your support! :): 


I just played your game it was alright since I'm assuming it is a W.I.P. since you can only play as one of the characters. Also if you are reading the reviews before you buy this game I wanna say I DID enjoy playing it I'm just talking about all the stuff that confused me and the bugs overall I did have a good experience, especially at the end of it. Looking at your itch profile this is your first game and you should be proud that you made something this good first try.

First of the thing that pissed me off was the jump button and the jumping attack I swear on my name that was a useless thing to add to this game cause you can't jump over the traps and 9 times out of ten when I used the jumping attack I caught SNATCHED mid-air into an animation so why tf even have it as an option. I promise you I TRIED to to jump over EVERYTHING and i mean EVERYTHING and that jump button was useless.

Secondly, the traps make no sense, at first it was a welcomed surprise like ok i gotta watch out for the floor and the ceiling but WHY CAN'T I JUMP OVER THE ONES ON THE FLOOR AND HOW DOES ROLLING OVER THEM NOT ACTIVATE THEM, you could tell they are randomly generated too cause if they are not I can only assume the way they were mapped out was purely to ruin peoples day

Thirdly, the thing I'm ASSUMING is chasing us because of the bar at the top of the screen that is moving closer to my player icon is WAAAY too slow i have quite literally seen every caught/grab animation I could think of every time I saw a new zombie cause I love the animation style you have and that thing never got close to me I think I only saw it once on the first stage

The rest of this unprofessional ass review is PURELY and artistic criticism so take it with so little salt the chicken stays white. I'm assuming this zombie apocalypse started the day the game starts us off so why tf are all the zombies green already why are they rotting? Also, why tf are there so many damn dogs on this campus. Another thing that got me was the animation after she got used by a zombie why was I stuck staring at her FLOOD the ground for 20-30 seconds she not even real and I was starting to get embarrassed watching it. 

The final thing is the game was fun but to me, the ending didn't make a whole lotta sense. I can see what you were going for and the ending cut scene was fucking amazing I bet you could make a lot of money on Patreon and Twitter if you just did animations for people.


I purchased the game for $10.00 dollars today despite my reservations below this post. I figured maybe its a hidden gem like "My dystopian Robot girlfriend" or "Pixie Pixel Panic" so I gave it a fair try.

The game plays very similar to the flash games "Shinobi Girl" or "Witch Girl"  where its a side scroll racing against the clock style of game with enemies blocking your path to the end of the level. I like the diversity of enemies and the animations they play. The animations are nice and fluid while others feel jagged and clunky (Recovery animations are smooth, Down attack and "Snake" enemy animations feel jagged as a couple of examples).

Like yourself I found a lot of frustration with the jumping, as it was ~95% of the time it wouldn't jump over targets I was sure were intended to be jumped over. The dog and crawler enemy have a recovery time that was usually quicker then the players recovery time and was almost impossible to fight them off once they grabbed you. The distance they were knocked back didn't allow for enough time to finish an attack most the time and lead to another struggle phase.

I found it super silly there were ceiling vent enemies on levels that were outside. I also wish that there was a "bomb" attack like you can find in other similarly designed games, as the attacks lock you up in an animation that doesn't register until the animation finishes.

For those looking to pick this game up, I'd recommend it still but as I had previously stated in the post below, this game is currently in the $2-$4 range.

As to how to improve this title:
---Re-record some of the audio with another voice actor.
---Later stage enemies need diversity in attack pattern (everything only attacks by touching you) consider a spit attack that soft stuns the player or a lunge attack of some kind that can be kicked to punish the enemy if well timed.
---Adjust enemy hit boxes so the player can consistently JUMP OVER the shorter enemies.
---Allow for the dodge roll feature to evade enemy grabs. (Put this on a 2-3 second Cool down).
---Make the dog less derpy looking lol

(4 edits)

PopularFractal and Bloodiedsparten, we appreciate your concerns, feedback, and ratings! We're always for an open conversation. I understand this discussion's being read by our creator and devs too. 


I think you could generate more sales/revenue if the price of the game was lowered to $2-4.

$10 is a lot to ask for for a game with no demo in this kind of market. I've seen  some games start out free to get people into it, then add a price tag onto it further in its development cycle after its gathered a following.

Take my advise or don't, its your game and your choice.

Bloodiedsparten, thank you for your feedback!

Please consider reading my reply in the post by popularfractal.

I'm on it r/n, Bloodiedsparten. 

(1 edit) (-1)

Hi Bloodiesparten! Having a star animator of the caliber of Mayorto alone makes this game worth far beyond the $3-$4 price range.
You and I are from different marketing schools, and it's just fine. ;)

Oh course, it's just my opinion :P

I can comfortably say we both want this to be successful. I wish you guys good fortune of course!

(1 edit)

I'm having trouble running the game on mac. I can extract the .rar just fine, but I can't run the .exe

Hi BingusTheThird! Perhaps, this will help:Reddit Forum .

(1 edit)

I can get the .exe out of the .rar file, but I can't open/run the .exe because I am on macOS. I use UnArchiver because Winrar is too complicated on mac

BingustheThird, is this Winetricks useful?

I have got the game working via Crossover, however every time I play I get a black screen with some on screen assets visible but the characters and background are not. Apart from that I can attack, run and use the controls as normal, I just have no visuals.

Hi BingusTheThird, is this helpful? Black Screen.


few major points. a lot of the non normal attack animations are super janky and have such a long windup that they're almost useless 90% of the time. which creates situations where with enemies like the dog for example once they get you once its easier and more efficient to just let them creampie you and move on since doing anything else takes way too long, and is inconsistent. like the animation for getting up takes so long and the dog moves so fast that you literally can't attack it once it hits you.

plus the escape takes WAY to much, practically gave myself carpal tunnel trying to break out of hits. and before you suggest it, i was already playing on casual.

to sum it up, i really like this game and the concept for it, but this jank and difficulty stuff NEEDS to be to be addressed because gahd dahm, it was rough. also the lack of saves is bothersome since you can't step away from the game once you start, making it feel more like chore.


Thank you for your feedback, Skullivan_Bones! Yes, we're aware about the issues with the development part of the game. Unfortunately we're a very small team with very limited resources. We decided it was better to risk it and release the game with all it's faults, than to never release it because it wasn't perfect. Our strategy is to improve the game as we go along. Thanks to the support of the people who believe in us we're slowly improving the game as we go along. Hopefully we can hire a professional game developer to fix the issues the game currently has."

no worries, sorry if i came off a little heated in my comment, i had just come out of a session a little heated for the aforementioned reasons. like i said before, i do like what you guys have done so far, just a few things that were pretty irksome. looking forward to seeing this improve over time!


No worries, Skullivan_Bones, we appreciate your concerns. :)

I will definitely buy it if theres going to be an android version

Hey Papartzy! We'll keep you posted. ;)

How interesting, I hope for an Android version of this, thanks a lot?!


Dudu12345, that's our goal to be able to make it for Android.  Thanks!

That's great, I'll wait anxiously lol, thank you very much for the answer and all the best to you😊


It's a pleasure to interact with fans like you, Dudu12345! :) Thanks, and we'll keep you posted! :)


Sacaras una version para android?????

(2 edits)

11kevin11, estamos trabajando duro para poder hacerlo. No es fácil pero es una de nuestras metas, gracias por tu interés! ;)


Would love it if the zombies were in a worse condition, for example in the second gif, if the cum wasn't the same as a living person's, the zombie dicks were in a worse condition or if you're willing to go there even throw in some maggots!

If not, might be an interesting new enemy type at least

(3 edits)

Hey pad03, let's see what Mayorto thinks of your suggestions... Thanks! ;)

Will you release an Android version sometime in the future?


Hi JFIoCoffee, that's one of our goals. 

Donated, am looking forward to Esther and playing on Android!!

JFloCoffee, thank you so much for your generosity! :) R/n we're working on Esther.

Jesus you draw super pretty

Hey Siwkann, yes Mayorto's AWESOME! You bet he does draw super pretty. :)

(2 edits)

Which reminds me of inviting all of you to take a pick at some of Mayorto's art here at on deviantart. Enjoy! :)

Missing some game-like aspects with the repetitive play design and janky control. But I really appreciate that much effort has put into the animations and arts. Keep it going!

Hey Eyes of Lewd, we'll pass the message to our devs. Thanks for your feedbak!


Black Friday/Cyber Monday 25% OFF Sale is on! :)

(1 edit) (+2)

I want to like this game, but quite how it can be touted as "complete" is beyond me. It definitely needs some balance changes, ignoring the character select screen that does nothing but tease more updates.

Two pieces of advice I would like to offer, in regards to the game's difficulty. First, why is it so unbelievably hard to break out of a grapple? Mashing as fast as I can, it still takes quite a while to break out, all while the death wall continues to close in on me. Second, a lot of the heroine's animations for things are slow, making it unnecessarily difficult to do things like a low-kick or jump in a timely fashion.


Hi Aerodynamic877! The game has an easy mode. Just go to the pause screen. (The little school bell at the right top corner) and select casual mode.


It seems that all Casual does is make the death wall approach slower, which is still appreciated.  It could just be me, but are the hitboxes for things like dogs and crawlers infinitely high? They seem impossible to jump over, and dogs recover so fast from a grapple (which even in casual take a while to break from) that you can't even low-kick them.


Aerodynamic877, we'll let the developers know your thoughts. Thanks for your feedback!


I dont get all the animated scenes in the gallery like i would through the stages... why?


Hi evolved906, could you please provide a pic of it? Or give us more details? Thanks.


evolved906, did it finally work?

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